Let me show you how to make a simple homemade mango ice cream with max 3 or 4 ingredients and enjoy it every day without too many calories. I just use mango or pineapple with banana and plain yoghurt. You can use other soft fruit like red dragon but most important is to use banana because it makes the ice cream more creamy. A bit of lemon juice adds an extra fresh flavour.

- Peal the fruit
- Slice it in small parts or cubes
- Mix it with a little lemon juice
- Put it in plastic bag or jar which is suitable for the fridge
- Keep it in the fridge for a couple of hours untill it is deep frozen
- Use a blender to put in two table spoons of plain yoghurt
- Add parts of the frozen fruit to the blender and mix it till the fruit looks smooth
- Put the mango ice cream in small plastic cups with a lid
- Put all the cups in the fridge for a few hours untill it is frozen
- Enjoy your home made mango ice cream 🙂

Tropical Fruit names and origin
Bali offers many sorts of fresh fruit from its own land. Some exotic fruit is also imported from other Indonesian islands and from abroad. I am very happy to grow some fruit in my own garden.

Fruit is also used as offering during Bali Ceremonies.